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Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Thousand Words a Day

I found a great discussion about successful writing and marketing up on the Kindle Boards.

In May of this year, the author Russell Blake recommended 26 steps for becoming a successful writer in the current independent marketplace.

His fifth recommendation was the following:

Allocate time every day to write, and be disciplined. I suggest minimum one hour per day, or 1000 words. I actually ignore that and shoot for 5000-7000 a day when writing a novel, but that's just my approach, and it's not for everyone. My point is that you must be disciplined about your writing and develop that muscle. If you don't make it a habit, you won't write enough to put out one novel every four months, and you'll already be way behind the curve.  

A thousand words a day seems like a sensible goal for any writer.  Just think, if one were to write 1000 words a day in their book, then in a full year, such a person would have a 365,000-word novel.

If you are a writer who is out there and dangling along trying to find some sort of structure in their craft, I recommend that for New Years' you resolve to write 1k words a day.  Doing so can only make you more productive as a writer.

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